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Career Decisions
Deciding on career preferences can be difficult and frustating. Some students have strong preferences from early in their career, often entering the nursing program being acutely aware of where they see themselves in 5 - 10 years. Other students have broad preferences; not children but adults; not emergency but surgical etc. One of the easiest ways to help focus on career preferences is to identify which areas you do not hold an interest.
Do not feel that you have to finetune your career preferences, but it does give you direction when considering post graduate study or professional development pursuits.
A goal is useful as it gives you an opportunity to objectively and clearly outline
how you will work towards achieving your goal. Remember a strong goal enables you to write time frames, delineate processes and activities to be sure that you get to where you want to be. Evaluating your progression to achieve your goal should be regular, realistic and flexible.
Job seeking and career goals
Graduate Programs
Post Graduate Education
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